


达成是一个汉语辞汇拼音是shā qīng当初多用于影视作品的制造上,常常会看到"某某片于今日达成"的说法,这实际上是一部影视作品完成了后期的拍摄事情,起始步入到后期制造阶段的说法。"达成"一词与古时制竹简过程中的要害步调长短常有关系的。



December 7th,1994,a skating super star came to this world.He is Yuzuru Hanyu.Yuzuru Hanyu was born in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, yuzuru Hanyu 4 years old and sister together learn to skate, beginning of skating and no patience. But he saw sister practice hard to figure skating, the growing interest in, took from sister as a target to adhere to and to Plushenko as their idols.

In 2019, yuzuru Hanyu, only 19 years old, be 66 years, the youngest of the men''s singles figure skating Olympic champion, the first Asian Olympic men''s singles will gold medalist, history after Yagudin and a same season to achieve World Grand Prix finals slide, Olympic and world champion of Grand Slam winner flower, short program in the history of the first more than 100 points, free slip over 200 points, total score more than 300 players and record holder.

In the next Olympic game,pyeongchang 2019,he won the golden medal again.Yuzuru became the first defending champion of these 66 years.


羽生结弦的外文名字叫作Yuzuru Hanyu,他的妈妈是由美大帝,而yuzu的日文谐音就是柚子,因此羽生结弦就有了柚子也许名称。


标签: 杀青